We will start with introductions, some basic ground rules, and jump into technical discussions. We will cover aspects of the bitcoin protocol, new research developments, recent news, and software developments.

Please note the meeting location at Mad Science of the Triangle in Cary.


  • no pictures or recordings
  • chatham house rules
  • don’t be a dick
  • thank you to our sponsor Lolli
  • introductions




  • ARK v0.2 Covenant-less, Offline Payments, Client SDKs, and MutinyNet Support… Oh My!


  • NIP-60 is a nostr protocol proposal to store cashu ecash tokens in nostr relays. Callebtc, creator of cashu, says it is implemented in 6 wallets and it solves a major wallet challenge he anticipated for cashu. Noice!
  • Cashu Dev Kit (CDK) is a low level rust toolkit intended to help developers create new cashu wallets and services with ease. The latest release v0.3.0 includes support for LNBits, Strike API, and LND lightning backends along with many other fixes and refactors. Check out those new contributors tho! 👀


